It's DONE!

The last four months have been a whirlwind. 

In July I took a 2 week trip to Chile. When the trip was done I came back to the states to say farewell to family and friends. 
I gave away almost everything I owned, packed up the rest and MOVED TO CHILE! 
I got my self settled and just when I get into a groove I do something a little crazy and GET MARRIED!

My husband Guillermo is so caring and wonderful. I truly could not have done any of this without his love and support. I'm so thankful that this entire process has been as simple as it was.

It could have been a nightmare. It could have been, but it wasn't. 

Now that the wedding is over and the holidays are swiftly passing by, I hopefully will have more time.

Time to myself and time for the things I love. Time to BREATHE.


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